Thankful Thursday

Let’s start this blog today by saying thank you to all those who have supported me through this journey of being a blogger. As you know, I get excited when ideas come to me and I share it with you.

Recently I shared on my YouTube channel a couple of pregnancy outfits that would look good on a pregnant lady. These are outfits that I wear myself. I’m very thankful that, during this trimester, I can still wear comfortable yet fashionable attire that work well during pregnancy. We all know how hard it can get to find something to wear at this stage and yet feel beautiful. Anyway, enjoy some of these looks and below you will find the whole clip to the video.




Don’t forget to share this with someone you know who’s expecting and I’m sure they will thank you later for it. Stay blessed and beautiful xx Adaku Inspires

Thankful Thursday

Be thankful for what you have. We as a family are currently in Philadelphia for a week due to my husband’s work. We took a minute the other night to explore the city and we have found a lot of interesting things about Philly. We had an opportunity to visit the Liberty Bell which is an iconic symbol of American independence.44ED781D-6D95-4649-BCF3-A55F0A73C10B

Next door to it is the tower of Independence Hall.



Now, here’s the irony of all these. A couple of blocks down you begin to notice a lot of homeless people sitting around helpless and have nowhere to go in this cold. It really did something to my heart when I saw them and it’s not just one or two people that you see. There were a large number of homeless people almost in each block. One would think that, in a city this iconic that has so much historical value to it, people would think those things are not as common here. Loews Philadelphia Hotel is a very nice hotel where we stayed and great hospitality is located in the heart of the city, yet you still see some people just lying on the street.

I am thankful to have the opportunity to visit and stay at a nice hotel with a great view, but it’s also important to stay humble. If you have an opportunity to lend a hand to someone who needs help, whether financially, accommodation, shelter, a word of advice or whatever the case may be, please follow your heart and do it. You will never know until you step out of your comfort zone. I’m challenging each one of you to not only be thankful for what you have but find someone who you can help. This doesn’t have to be a stranger but it might be someone close to you.

Continue to be thankful and willing to help others, God will pour out more blessings on you. Hope you enjoy reading and I’ll catch you in my next one.

Adaku Inspires

Thankful Thursday

642FB709-626C-4ED2-815C-3C9DF2FFDA5BGrowing Up Too Fast

“The Consolidation Period” is what I call this stage. Some statistics say that 90 percent of 17 month old babies are walking well enough that they’re able to walk, squat down to pick an object up off of the floor – or stoop to play with it for a minute or so – and then pop right up again and keep on going. Yeah! That’s definitely my toddle, and then some. It’s surreal that she’s able to do all that plus more because I feel like it was just yesterday that she couldn’t walk without holding onto something.

Singing her ABCs and 123s in addition to other songs is one way she learns really quickly. Music is something she loves as well. A song can be playing and her face will lighten up and then she goes into a dancing mood.

Climbing up the stairs seems to be a fun game to her but coming down is a little challenging unless she holds my hands. She also climbs the couch and turns herself around with a big smile like someone who just won a lottery while daddy and mummy’s heart beats heavily. She really is testing her physical abilities but we got her covered. So far she hasn’t tried climbing out of her crib (fingers crossed) even though we’ve adjusted the crib to the lowest level.

The fun part about this stage is that she is learning very fast. Her vocabularies are pretty amazing for her age. For example, she says words like “apple” “water” “book” “ nap nap” “ nite nite,” etc. One thing that hubby taught her and it gives me joy to hear her say that is “In Jesus’ Name we pray, Amen.” She mumbles the first few sentences and shouts the “Amen” part so loud that you must hear it! LOL! She is also my little helper in the kitchen especially when I’m cooking. She watches my move and, while I’m putting each seasoning in the food, I tell her the name of it. It’s fun and exciting for the both of us. I can go on and on telling you an update of our toddler Kizzy but I’ll stop here. Oh by the way, she is super excited about the baby on the way. She wakes up kissing my belly and saying “baby, baby.” She gives baby a hug and a kiss, which melts my heart.


I am so thankful for her development at this stage. I’m grateful to have her as my God given little helper especially when baby girl arrives. Obviously she’s not perfect but she understands when I tell her to put things in the trash or clean up (which she sings the “clean up, clean up everybody, everywhere” clean up song). We love our Kizzy so much and are forever grateful to God for giving us such our precious little girl.

Hope you enjoyed reading this blog and, if you have a toddler or even a niece or nephew and you remember your experiences dealing with your toddler, please share them below because I would love to hear them. I have so many that I can’t even put down on paper. Ok, I’m done! Have a lovely day and I’ll catch you in my next blog!

Stay blessed and forever thankful

Thankful Thursday


8DA72ED6-0680-40E5-A6C0-C77AE1224478Practice giving thanks regularly and you’ll be amazed at what happens. Starting your day and finishing it in prayer keeps everything in perspective. I know a lot has been said about the power of gratitude, but this quote for me sums it all up:

“There’s no happier person than a truly thankful, content person.” – Joyce Meyer

It’s a simple quote but how powerful and true are these words? When you are happy and content at the same time, you’re unshakable. I’m very grateful for the simple things of life: being healthy and going strong each day, food for the family, gas in the car, and, with all this cold weather we’ve gotten lately, warm clothes to put on and not being homeless, etc. I believe that thinking positive, having an optimistic attitude and a thankful mindset goes a long way. Going through this journey of being pregnant with our second child is a blessing. People have always told me the second one is different and they were definitely RIGHT!!!

Today, I want to highlight more on how to go day by day with an attitude of being thankful. Some of you might be asking “so you never have a bad day?” Oh, don’t get me wrong, I certainly do and, sometimes, I even get emotional. However, I am a big believer in the idea of being the master of your own happiness. I also believe in the power of words and thoughts, which is why I choose to think positive. Psalm 95:2 does it for me as well:

“Let us come before Him with thanksgiving and sing joyful songs of Praise.”

If you know me, you know that I love praise and worship. When I don’t know how to handle a tough situation, I put on my praise music and dance dance dance 🙂

I saw a poster somewhere that says “When life gets sour…sweeten it with GRATITUDE.” What a great statement! From my book that I co-authored, I made a statement “Rise up and begin to speak.” Don’t let your circumstances keep you down, but get up and speak in faith and you’ll see a breakthrough if you don’t give up. I hope your day will be filled with gratitude. As a matter of fact, make a commitment that, going into this new month, your life will be sweetened with gratitude. I bless you and I pray you will continue to sing joyful songs of praise this weekend.

Blessings xx