Thankful Thursday


Every little moment counts so appreciate those around you, whether they’re there for a temporary season or for the long haul. Today, I’m reminiscing on how I went from being a mom of one to being Mama Kizzy and Promise. It’s not even been two months yet but I’m getting the hang of things little by little. The pictures I’m sharing with you today are just my little way of appreciating the journey I’m going through. I’m grateful for what I have and excited for where I’m going. A lot of people that play a big role in my life might not be included in these pictures but trust me, it’s a big team. I hope you enjoy sharing this space with me and please share some of the moments you cherish whether past or present. Leave it in the comment section below! Happy Thursday and know there’s always something to be thankful for!


Thankful Thursday


Today’s blog goes out to Siara Snyder aka My Little Sis. This young lady is very knowledgeable and I’m very proud of who she’s becoming. Recently, she spent almost an entire week with me and she was a great help! Siara is also now volunteering at our church summer camp for the entire summer but, before starting, she took it upon herself to spend time with her little sister, Kizzy before getting busy.

Just in case you didn’t know, this young girl was in my wedding and she was my announcer. She was the cutest little girl then and, now, she’s growing too fast! She has a heart to love and share her knowledge. In terms of correction, she receives it well and doesn’t give room for negativity. She has a special place in our heart and she knows it.

The day she got home from her little vacation with me, she got a call that her grandma was at the hospital. She is such a strong girl because she composed herself when the family received the news. Now, let’s fast forward to today. Her grandma is recovering very quickly and God is in control of that situation. This little sis of mine continues to work very hard by staying busy and keeping her mind focused. Thanks again Siara for being you!  We love you!

Thanks again for tuning in and please show Siara some love by sending her encouraging words that will strengthen her as she continues to do what God has called her to do.


Adaku Inspires

Thankful Thursday

Promise is one month already??? Where did time go? I’m loving every bit of it and I’m blessed to be able to share special moments like this one below.

At one month old, Promise sleeps very well at night time. She wakes up once for a feed and falls right back to sleep. She’s very calm and peaceful. Her big sister however, was quite the opposite when she was one month old. I barely got any sleep between hubby and I but we sure survived those days 🙂

One thing I would say is that, when Promise is hungry, she’s ready to eat and that means you better be ready with her food :). Hmmm I wonder where she gets that from. Her big sister loves giving her kisses and little Missy loves it too. She enjoys bath time to the point she falls asleep while bathing or when I’m giving her a massage (oh what you do for these little ones you adore).


Don’t want to bore you with stories about Promise, but I am very thankful to have moments like this with her. She lights up our world especially in days when things seem to be stressful. Just look into her big brown eyes and you will be alright.
Thanks for tuning in and I’ll catch you in my next one. Remember, no matter what you may be going through, there’s always a reason to give thanks!

Cheers xx
Adaku Inspires

Thankful Thursday

A lot has been happening lately in the news world. From racist comments made by a popular actress, to a well known pastor asking for millions of dollars from his congregation to buy a private jet, to a married couple whom a lot of young people look up to now deciding that they want to quit their marriage and “explore themselves separately,” especially after having a child. Also in the news disclosed that a fashion icon committed suicide, leaving her husband and their thirteen year old behind to figure out life, plus so much more. This is why I’m very thankful to use this platform to shade light to the darkness this world is portrayed to be. These things has to stop.

Racist comments, no matter their form, are not acceptable at all and, if you know people who are racist, don’t laugh at their ignorance, rather challenge and correct them. I can address each of those news that I mentioned above, but that’s not what I want to focus on today. Let’s talk about the fashion icon, Kate Spade, who chose to take her own life. Leaving her husband and her thirteen year old daughter behind. Nobody will ever know the full story as to why she decided to do this but it’s between her and God.

Today’s Thankful Thursday is to people going through depression, stress, or whatever situation you may find yourself that makes you want to isolate yourself from the world. Please get out of it and go seek help. Find people you trust and go talk to them. Isolation is the plan of the enemy and you don’t need to give in to it. Be thankful for the people that God has placed around you. Sometimes they’re there for a season and sometimes for a lifetime. Try as much as possible to have a Praise moment whereby you begin to sing praises and shout with gratitude for all the things you have whether big or small. This act will make you not to focus as much on what you don’t have or how bad your current situation is. Trust me you are not alone. Somebody out there has it worse than you.

Remember, an idol mind is a devil’s workshop so stay being THANKFUL. Thanks for hanging out with your girl as always and I’ll catch you in my next one.
Adaku Inspires